email prayer circle

How our email prayer circle started.

For some time I have been emailing CWF publicity information to contacts. This developed into people sending me email prayers, inspirational stories and jokes which I forwarded onto others.
Often, just at the right time. 
Isn’t God wonderful?

Then I had a request from someone for prayer. So prayers prayed and emails were sent. This eventually led to me requesting prayer for my family and fellow emailers suggesting that we start an email prayer circle.

Recently, several ladies suggested that we have a prayer focus at conference and a book to keep a record of who we have been praying for.

If you have an email address and wish to join with us, then contact - please.
No names or details of people that we are praying for will be disclosed on this blog. All prayer requests will be kept as emails between us.


  1. This last month we have prayed for –

    People who have been hospitalised – and given thanks for good recovery!

    Thanks received for prayers for people have difficulties at work.

    We have shared concerns and prayers for friends who have lost close members of their families.

    We have shared news of the sad death of a friend but celebrated her life.

    Prayers for family members who are diabetic and pregnant – Mother and baby well!

    Family concerns.

    We have rejoiced that a man we have prayed for has discovered his tumour is benign!!!! Thanks to everyone for their prayers, love and support.'

    For sisters who are undergoing tests.

    On-going prayers for people who have health issues.

    God Bless you all for your continued prayers & faith!

  2. In May we have prayed for –
    • A friend who has a brain tumour
    • VL accepted to begin training at Northern College in September as a CRCW.
    • Family injuries – broken collar bone
    • Brother-in-law diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is having surgery soon

    God Bless you all for your continued prayers & faith! Love Joy
